Programmes and Events

Runner Bangladesh Development Society website


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12th International Student Summit, 2019

Public event
to (8 hours)Professor Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury Auditorium, Dhaka UniversityView on Facebook

More than 2000 foreign students are studying in different public and private universities of Bangladesh. Bangladesh which is considered to be an emerging tiger in the South Asian economy is attracting students from abroad. Quality study in lesser education fairs is what is playing the crucial role.

But is that all, what we can assure to our foreign friends? Aren’t the rich culture, harmonious norms and friendly social norms helping them exhibit their point of view?

Dhaka the capital of this country usually experiences lots of events related to skill development and cultural exchange. So in accordance with that we have decided to celebrate the stay and contribution of our foreign friends in developing out curriculum, pace of cultural exchange and social harmony.

UDEF, a Turkey based organization usually does such kind of program all over the world and for the first time they are going to do it with the foreign students residing in Dhaka with Runner Bangladesh Development Society.

The purpose of this event is gather few talented minds from different culture, race and ethnicity and learn from them about their thoughts on Bangladesh’s education, culture, society, people, food and many more. The event is going to end with some exciting segments and news. Till then we would like to keep it as a surprise. Join us and share your thoughts!

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